As both an advocacy group as well as a musical collective, we are planning on doing our part in this striving for peace across cultures by donating a portion of our proceeds to charitable organizations and foundations. Your continued support of our music and our cause will allow us to promote our message and love of humanity through monetary and material donations.
Below you can find a few of the organizations we are looking to donate time and money to:
Climate Reality Project:
The Climate Reality Project is an organization aimed at making urgent action in response to the climate crisis “a necessity in every aspect of our lives,” and available across every aspect of society.
EcoPeace Middle East
Working for peace through environmental cooperation. EcoPeace Middle East is a unique organization that brings together Jordanian, Palestinian and Israeli environmentalists.
Guitars for Peace:
Guitars for Peace is a not-for-profit organization aiming to deliver guitars and other musical instruments to children in the Middle East along with third-world countries, in addition to providing music education. They seek to enrich the lives of less privileged communities through music accessibility.
Additionally, we are inviting site visitors to book us for festivals, special events, and occasions, and eventually hope to tour nationally and internationally. Visit our Contact Us page to submit bookings or talk more with us about our band, our ambitions, and our mission.

Get Involved
As an advocacy band, there are plenty of ways for you to get involved.
We appreciate your exploration of our website and hope you will click on our Events page to find out more detailed information about the other advocacy groups and organizations we hope to send some of our proceeds to.
In order to better serve our mission and our passion, we also accept donations to our own organization and encourage you to extend your exploration of our pages to see just how you can literally hop on the bandwagon.
Another thing you should be aware of are the collaborative opportunities available to musicians looking to jam with us and share our passion in our mission for peace. We love to work with both writers and performers and are always looking for new creative inspiration. The more diverse, the better!
Finally, we are open for event bookings. We can accommodate both large and small events and audiences, casual and formal occasions, and are absolutely willing to work with sponsors based on individual needs.
For booking, please email us at Daphne@daphnegoldberg.com